Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride

Language Arts Classroom Ideas Organizing your classroom and sorting out the path of your school year can be one of the trickiest components of teaching. You want to optimize student learning, minimize everything that doesn’t encourage best practices and student engagement, while eliminating anything that wastes valuable instructional time. K-5 English/Language Arts Specialist 910-947-2342 ext. 200274: Michele Starcher 6-12 English/Language Arts Specialist 910. 1 Communication Arts Grade Level Expectations. The Communication Arts Grade Level Expectations document is an updated version of the March, 2004 K-12 Communication Arts Grade Level Expectations. Missouri educators from across the state, representing education from the primary grades through the. The Language Arts Department offers a variety of course work, including leveled Honors and Academic English courses, Greek Mythology, Creative Writing, AP English, and Shakespeare. Our highly qualified teachers are here to provide support to students before and after school and are available for Academic Support two days a week after school. Priceless Works of Language Arts: Invaluable Activities! There are many ways to enrich the language arts lessons you teach. One is to add gems from the Internet to your collection. Teachers everywhere share their priceless bits of wisdom through mailing lists and publish their best ideas on Web sites.

  1. Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride Atlanta
  2. Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride Mi

Welcome To Ms. Armstrong's Classroom

Hello and welcome to Ms. Armstrong's 7th & 8th Grade Language Arts. This is the place to find:

  • contact information
  • distance learning information
  • information about the class
  • how to access Google Classroom
  • behavior info.
  • links
  • and other valuable information

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me. See the contact info. below.

Ms. Armstrong

7th & 8th Grade Language Arts

Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride

Google Level 1 Certified

About Me

Hello! My name is Ms. Armstrong and I am your child's Language Arts teacher. I am very excited for the upcoming school year. I am looking forward to meeting each one of you and getting to know your child.

Language arts linksericson room 55mrs. mcbride la

I am originally from Memphis, TN and have been living in Phoenix since 1993. I am a graduate of Arizona State University. I began teaching in 2000 and taught in the Madison School District till 2014. I have a son, born in 2003, named Kee (means 'little boy' in Navajo) and a daughter, born in 2007, named Dzani (means 'woman' in Navajo). They are the love of my life.

Why do I teach?

Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride Atlanta

I became a teacher because I love kids. I also remember what it was like being in middle school and how tough school could be. I want to make learning rewarding and fun for my students, all the while, having high standards and expectations.

Language Arts Linksericson Room 55mrs. Mcbride Mi

I am a strict teacher and have high expectations. However, my expectations are never so high my students can't reach them. My work is easy, but there is a lot to do in order to comply with the Arizona state standards. If students don't pay attention and don't stay on top of their work, they could fall behind and their grades could suffer. There is an enormous amount of help in my class, so there should never be an excuse for not completing an assignment. I am here for my students, but I do expect them to meet me halfway.